Get in Touch

Contact Dogs Will Play in Concord, California

We’ll Care for Your Pup

There’s a reason people refer to dogs as man’s best friend. There’s so much to love about each individual dog, and at Dogs Will Play, we’ll ensure each individual need and consideration is met. We’ll love and care for your dogs as if they were our own. Get in touch today for any boarding, daycare or grooming service.

Lobby Hours

Check-ins and check-outs:
Monday through Friday
6:30 AM- 9:30AM | 4:30PM – 7:30PM
Saturday and Sunday:
7:30 AM – 9:30 AM | 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM
Assessments available seven days a week, by appointment.


Same-day Signature Spa Baths available. Grooming haircuts available by appointment. Please call for more details.


Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birthday, Washington’s Birthday, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Independence Day, Veteran’s Day, Columbus Day
7:30 AM – 9:30 AM | 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM
We are closed Thanksgiving, Christmas Day and New Year’s Day.
We have limited lobby hours on Christmas and New Year’s Eve. Please inquire for an annual schedule.

We’ll Care for Your Pup

All potential Dogs Will Play members must be in good health and current on their distemper, bordetella and rabies vaccinations. Puppies must be de-wormed. Please neuter or spay your dog by the time he or she is seven months of age. All dogs enrolled in our daycare program must receive monthly flea prevention treatment. Every owner/guardian seeking daycare membership for their dog must first make an assessment appointment for Dogs Will Play staff to conduct a two-part evaluation, measuring your dog’s comfort level engaging with our staff and other members.
Potential members must possess a temperament that permits Dogs Will Play Staff to care for them and may not pose as a danger to any Dogs Will Play members or staff. In preparation for your assessment appointment, please have a copy of your dog’s vaccination records for us to keep on file. If you cannot provide a copy, please call your veterinarian and give your authorization for them to fax current vaccination and de-worming information to our office. During your assessment, please be prepared to complete a Membership Application, giving us personal details regarding your dog, review and sign Dogs Will Play’s service agreement and submit valid credit card information.

New Applicant Form

    Single Pet ServiceDoggie DaycareMultiple Pet ServiceHotelOther





    By submitting this form I give Dogs Will Play permission to release information on this application and select a veterinary clinic or service provider at their discretion in the event that my pet(s) need emergency medical, surgical treatment or hospitalization.





    1. Monday through Friday: 6:30AM-7:30PM
    2. Saturday and Sunday: 8AM-9AM, 3PM-4PM, & 7PM-8PM
    3. If you do not pick up your dog before the lobby closes in the evening, your dog will remain in our hotel and
    you will be charged the prevailing overnight rate as listed on our website at DOGSWILLPLAY.COM.


    1. LOBBY CLOSED: New Year’s Day, Thanksgiving Day, & Christmas Day
    2. 8AM-9AM, 3PM-4PM, 7PM-8PM: Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birthday, Washington’s Birthday, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Independence Day, Veteran’s Day, Columbus Day
    3. Lobby hours on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve change annually so please inquire


    1. To guarantee a reservation, Dogs Will Play requires a valid credit card at the time of booking.
    2. Owner/guardian agrees to pay all charges due before checking out and your dog leaves the premises.
    3. Dogs Will Play may change fees at any time by posting notices in our facility and on our website.
    4. Returned checks are subject to a $25 administrative fee plus all fees charged by our bank.
    5. Refunds are not permitted.


    1. Personal items: prior to checking in, please label all of your pet’s belongings. We may not be able to return your item if it is not labeled. Dogs Will Play is not responsible for any damages to your dog’s personal items.
    2. Leash and other gear: all dogs must arrive with a leash that is attached to either a collar or a harness. Please make sure that your dog’s name is displayed on either the collar or the harness.
    3. Medication: Dogs Will Play staff do not administer injections. If your dog has medical requirements approved by Dogs Will Play management, you must bring your own supplies. This includes, but is not limited to, food for pilladministration and measurement devices. The fee for administering medication depends on complexity of the procedure. The typical price is $5 per administration.
    4. Nails: if your dogs’s nails injure staff or other guests, Dogs Will Play will charge you $25 for trimming the nails.
    5. Time-out and Muzzles: if your dog is bullying another guest, first we give a five minute time-out in which your dog will be separated from the group. If your pet continues to exhibit undesired behavior, the next time-out will be one to two hours. Dogs Will Play reserves the right to use a muzzle if time-out procedures do not prevent your dog from bullying another guest.
    6. Suites and crates are available during rest and meal times. Dogs must be separated during meal times due to safety concerns. For families with multiple dogs, suites may be shared during rest times only.
    7. Water: Dogs Will Play uses water for cleaning the outdoor areas, playing games, and filling drinking stations. It is very common for dogs to get wet during the course of their visit.
    8. Running out of food: please provide enough food for your dog’s visit to Dogs Will Play. If you do not bring enough food, we will provide kibble at a cost of $5 per meal. It is very common for dogs to have diarrhea as a result of a sudden change in diet, so please maintain a consistent diet for your dog by bringing enough food.
    9. Stress: dogs that are not accustomed to being away from home may exhibit behavior such as not eating or drinking. Dogs Will Play will repeatedly offer your dog food and water, but cannot guarantee your dog will eat and drink to your satisfaction. If this occurs, your dog may eat or drink more than usual when he/she returns home. Other symptoms of stress may include anti-social behavior or aggression. If this occurs, Dogs Will Play staff
    will contact you to discuss possible program adjustments.
    10. Emergencies: in an emergency, Dogs Will Play staff will attempt to contact you or the emergency contact you provided on the application. You authorize Dogs Will Play to obtain medical attention for your pet from any
    qualified veterinarian when Dogs Will Play has deemed such medical care is important to your dog's health. If your dog is transported to or from Dogs Will Play, you hold Dogs Will Play harmless in the event of injury or accident during transport. You grant Dogs Will Play and our staff or agents full authority to make decisions involving the medical treatment of your dog and you agree to pay for all related costs. This applies to any claims for injuries or damages related to such medical care or that arise due to the transport of your pet to a veterinary clinic. In the event of your pet’s death, you or your emergency contact will be notified immediately. You agree that Dogs Will Play’s liability shall under no circumstances exceed $500 per pet admitted.


    By signing this waiver and release, I, the owner/guardian, assume full responsibility of my dogs’s behavior and any resulting damages and injuries to property, pets, and persons caused by my pet even if there is alleged negligence byDogs Will Play.


    I, the owner/guardian acknowledge that Dogs Will Play employees and agents are not trained in veterinary medicine and are not expected to diagnose or detect illness in dogs that visit Dogs Will Play. I, the owner/guardian acknowledge that vaccines do not protect against all communicable illness and strains that may affect my dog.
    I, the owner/guardian acknowledge and agree that I am assuming all risk or disease, harm, illnesses by allowing my dog to visit Dogs Will Play. I, the owner/guardian acknowledge and agree assumption of all risk of damages caused by my dog to any Dogs Will Play agent, employee, asset, or guest.
    I, the owner/guardian agree to indemnity, defend and hold Dogs Will Play harmless from any and all claims, actions, causes of actions, losses, damages, liabilities, costs, judgments, and attorney fees to which Dogs Will Play may become subject to, relating to or arising out of my dog’s presence at Dogs Will Play or caused by my dog.


    I, the owner/guardian hereby waives all claims and releases Dogs Will Play from all liability to my person, my dog, agents, representatives, successors and assigns for all liability, claims, damage, or demands for personal injury, death, or property damage, know or unknown, past or future, arising from or related to Dogs Will Play services provided whether the illness, injury, death, or property damage occurs on or off Dogs Will Play premises. This release includes, without limitation, any personal injury, death, or property damage caused by the active or passive negligence of Dogs Will Play, agents, employees and guests. I, the owner/guardian, bear sole responsibility for any loss.
    I acknowledge that I have carefully read the Dogs Will Play terms of service, application, waiver and release, and understand all content and that this agreement includes an assumption of risk of Dogs Will Play’s negligence and liability. I acknowledge that Dogs Will Play is materially relying on this waiver and is allowing my pet to actively participate in their program.
    Any controversial claims arising out of this agreement, or the breach thereof, or as a result of any claim or controversy involving the alleged negligence of any party of this agreement, shall be settled in accordance to the rules of the American Arbitration Association, and judgment upon the reward rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. The arbitrator shall, as part of the award, determine and award to the prevailing party the costs of such arbitration and reasonable attorney’s fees or the prevailing party. The arbitrator(s) shall apply
    California law to the merits of any dispute or claim, without reference to conflicts of law rules. The parties hereby consent to the personal jurisdiction of the state and federal court located in California and agree that such courts shall have the sole and exclusive jurisdiction for any action or proceeding arising from or relating to this Agreement or relating to any arbitration in which the parties are participants. ALL PARTIES TO UNDERSTAND THAT BY SIGNING THIS
    The laws of the State of California state that if you do not pick up your dog within 14 calendar days after the day your dog was initially due to be picked up, your dog shall be deemed to be abandoned. Dogs Will Play is required to abide by the laws of the State of California and is obligated to turnover abandoned dogs to a public animal controlagency or shelter, society for the prevention of cruelty to animals shelter, humane society shelter, or nonprofit animal rescue group.

    By submitting this form I agree to comply with Dogs Will Play Rules and Regulations, as outlined in the Terms & Conditions of Service Agreement.

    New Applicant Form

    Dear parents and guardians, these are some of the topics we may discuss during your dog’s assessment. It is through this that we acquire the understanding of your dog and family that enables Dogs Will Play to customize each member’s experience and care.


    • Why did you decide to have your pet join the family?
    • If you did not raise your dog from puppyhood, please describe what you know from your dog’s history (previous owners, treatment of dog).
    • Was your dog adopted from the shelter?
    • When was your dog spayed or neutered?
    • Please describe a typical day for your dog (routine).


    • Do you take your dog to regular vet checkups?
    • Is your dog up-to-date on all vaccinations (distemper, bordetella, rabies)?
    • Does your dog have any medical conditions?
    • Is your dog prone to any illnesses (ear infections, skin problems, etc.)?
    • Have you ever taken your dog to the vet for a medical concern (i.e. not a regular checkup)?
    • Has your dog ever been diagnosed with Kennel Cough or any other contagious illness?
    • Is your dog on flea treatment? If so, what kind/brand?
    • How often do you administer the flea treatment?
    • Do you regularly bathe your dog? If so, what products do you use and how often?
    • Does your dog require a special shampoo (sensitive skin, medicated, etc.)?
    • Do you get your dog groomed (i.e. haircut, sanitation trim)?
    • How often are your dog’s nails trimmed?
    • Do you trim your dog’s nails or do you have someone else cut them (vet, groomer, etc.)?
    • Does your dog need to be muzzled for any grooming procedures (nails trimmed, groomed, bathed)?


    • Please describe your dog’s personality (shy, dominant, timid, possessive, etc.).
    • Do you allow your dog to be off-leash when outside the home (at the beach, dog park, etc.)?
    • Has your dog ever been to a dog park?
    • How often does your dog go to the dog park?
    • How does your dog react to small dogs?
    • How does your dog react to large dogs?
    • Has your dog ever attempted to bite another dog in an aggressive manner?
    • Has your dog ever been bitten by another dog in an aggressive manner?
    • Does your dog show any leash aggression (aggressive behavior that only occurs when your dog is on leash)?
    • How does your dog react when another dog physically tries to initiate play?
    • What kind of games does your dog like to play? (Fetch, tug of war, hide-and-seek, etc.)
    • Does your dog enjoy playing in water?
    • Has your dog ever snapped at another animal?
    • Does your dog chase little animals (such as squirrels)?
    • Does your dog usually listen to you? If not, to who?
    • How does your dog get your attention?
    • Will your pet do anything naughty to get your attention (urinate, chew, bark, etc.)?
    • How does your dog react to visitors that come into your home?
    • How does your dog react to people outside the home (i.e. on walks)?
    • Does your dog react positively to children?

    Training and Behavior

    • Have you trained your dog in basic obedience?
    • What training techniques have you used?
    • Have you ever used a professional trainer?
    • If so, was it for general obedience or to correct a specific issue?
    • What commands does your dog respond to?
    • Does your dog show signs of separation anxiety?
    • If so, is it from a specific person in the family?
    • Is your dog crate-trained?
    • Where does your dog stay while you are away from home?
    • Have you ever been away and had to leave your dog in the care of somebody else?
    • If so, did your dog stay at a boarding facility, a friend’s home or your home?
    • Did your dog’s caretaker report any problems or concerns upon your return home?

    Eating Patterns

    • How many times does your dog eat in a day?
    • When does your dog eat meals?
    • What kind of food do you feed your dog (dry, wet, table scraps, part of your meal, bones, treats, etc.)?
    • Does your dog have any allergies to food?
    • Do you ever have to do something special to get your dog to eat (add hot water or wet food, etc.)?
    • Will your dog eat anything?
    • Is your dog territorial with food?
    • How fast/slow does your dog eat?
    • Does your dog usually finish everything in its bowl all at once?
    • Does your dog know when to stop eating?
    • Does your dog have a sensitive stomach?
    • What gives your dog an upset stomach, and how have you treated it?
    • How often does your dog drink water throughout the day?

    Doggy Daycare FAQ

    Checking in and Checking Out

    All pets must come with a leash and collar and/or harness. Please label all belongings with your dog’s name (collar, food containers etc.). Nap time is from 12PM – 2PM daily, so if you are going to pick up your dog during that time, please inform us upon checking in.
    There is a loading zone in front of Dogs Will Play for checking in and checking out. Please be courteous and patient when checking in and out at the same time as other guests. Dogs Will Play staff will greet guests in the order of arrival.

    Food and Medication

    Daycare members are welcome to keep a container of food at Dogs Will Play with kibble you provide from home. This is ideal for daycare members that eat often at Dogs Will Play. Please LABEL all food brought from home with your dog’s NAME and feeding instructions. If you are bringing food for that day, please note on the container whether it is for breakfast, lunch, dinner or multiple meals.
    Medications should come with instructions in a Ziploc bag with your dog’s name clearly marked on it. When bringing medications, parents are responsible for providing measuring utensils and/or food necessary for administration.


    If you would like to schedule a bath, please let us know as soon as possible. Dogs Will Play staff will try to accommodate same-day requests, but we cannot guarantee availability. Be sure to let us know the precise time you plan to pick up your dog.
    If you are interested in reserving a Signature Cut and Style appointment, please notify our staff and we will be happy to inform you of our current calendar.

    We’d Love to Hear From You




    Monday – Friday:
    6:30 am – 7:30 pm
    Saturday – Sunday:
    8:00 am – 9:00 am
    3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
    7:00 pm – 8:00 pm


    1302 Galindo St, Concord, CA 94520



    Your Pet’s Comfort and Happiness Is Always Our Priority